Moska Studio Приложения

思源葡酒人生 1.2
Moska Studio
『思源怡飲』源自台灣歷史最為悠久的獨立貿易商-泰豐貿易。民國38年在基隆成立,用60餘年的積累,加上每一代的不斷創新,成就了如今百人規模, 橫跨能源、生技、飲食、工程領域的大貿易商。從老一輩的創辦人起,泰豐就稟持著“知識,誠信,寬容,創新”的傳統,經過所有同仁一甲子的努力,打造了“臨豐履泰,謙益恆頤”的公司文化。如今集團在五個地點銷售的產品 中至少有三、四十家在其行業中居領導地位的國際品牌。曾涉足的行業則有食品,瓶裝水,啤酒,紅白酒,水果,南北乾貨,紙品,生技產品,石油,石油製品,媒碳,瀝青,煉油,石化設備,核、火、水電設備,公共工程(鐵路潤滑油,再生能源,航空,環保...等等,堪稱琳瑯滿目,與民生息息相關。泰豐集團就像一個大家庭,給每一位員工成長的空間及機會。思源怡飲就是一個內部創業最好的例子。開創期由集團以既有的資源扶持開展食品飲料業務,如今在台灣市場佔有了小小的一席之地,今後將逐步多角化,多市場化,穩步茁壯發展,期許在未來的日子裡,能有一如既往,為所有老客戶提供最優質的產品和最週到的服務。"Siyuan Yi Yin" fromTaiwan's oldest independent traders - Tai Fung Trading. In 38 yearsin Keelung established, with more than 60 years of accumulation,coupled with constant innovation in every generation, theachievements of a hundred people now scale across large energytraders, biotechnology, food, engineering. From the oldergeneration of the founder, Taifeng will founded on traditional"knowledge, integrity, tolerance, innovation," after all mycolleagues in the six decades of efforts to create a "temporary LuFeng-tai, Qian Yi Heng Yi," the company culture. Today there arethree, forty in the leading international brands in its industrygroup sales of the product in at least five locations. Has beeninvolved in the industry, there are food, bottled water, beer, redwine, fruits, dried foods, paper products, biotechnology products,petroleum, petroleum products, coal carbon, asphalt, oil refining,petrochemical, nuclear, fire, water and electricity facilities,public works (rail oil, renewable energy, aviation, environmentalprotection ... and so, called an array, and people's livelihood.Taifeng Group's like a family, give space and opportunity to everyemployee growth. Siyuan Yi drink intrapreneurship is a primeexample. pioneered by a group of existing resources to supportefforts to improve food and beverage operations in the Taiwanmarket now occupies a tiny place, and will gradually diversified,multi-market, steadily flourish, hopes In the coming days, to have,as always, provide the best quality products and the most attentiveservice to all customers.
來吧!禮物 - 交換禮物 尾牙摸彩抽獎 樂透選號 APP 2.1.1
Moska Studio
『來吧!禮物』 是你交換禮物、抽獎、摸彩、樂透選號的最佳幫手。包含『交換吧!禮物』,『摸彩吧!尾牙』與『中獎吧!樂透』三種模式『交換吧!禮物』總是到了餐廳才在煩惱怎麼抽籤交換禮物嗎?找遍 Play Store 卻找不到一款好用漂亮的抽籤 APP?試試『交換吧!禮物』吧!使用Facebook登入,輕鬆選取參與交換禮物的好友們讓你再也不需要跟服務生借紙筆來做籤再也不用打名字打到手軟可愛俏皮的畫面緊張刺激的拉霸絕對是你交換禮物時的最佳幫手『摸彩吧!尾牙』現在辦尾牙還要準備一桶抽獎箱?多麻煩!抽了獎還可能被懷疑有黑箱?試試『 摸彩吧 ! 尾牙』吧!輕鬆設定獎號範圍,立刻就可以開始抽獎,現場即時秀出緊張刺激的拉霸抽獎畫面,搭上紅金奢華的介面,既有趣又應景又公平,還能讓參與的老闆和員工更有互動性呢!『中獎吧!樂透』尾牙沒抽到大獎嗎?中獎靠自己!立刻抽出屬於你自己的幸運號碼吧!
WeBlessing - 傳遞最溫暖的婚禮祝福 1.0.4
Moska Studio
-留下最深最真切的聲音祝福- -回顧最暖最感動的婚禮喜悅- WeBlessing 讓你傳遞最溫暖的婚禮祝福! 1.透過掃描QRCode 加入新人婚禮 ( QRCode 應該都出現在您婚宴的桌卡上啦~ 2. 上傳最感人最有趣最好笑的照片(翻翻手機中和新人最棒的合照,然後快上傳啦! 3. 錄下對新人最溫暖的祝福話語 (親口說的一句話絕對是最動人的,錄下你的祝福吧!最後... 請期待婚宴中最特別的驚喜吧~~
拾時分享 - 時時分享你的聲音回憶 1.0.10
Moska Studio
-拾時分享聲音回憶,重拾過去美好時光 - 一張照片可能隱含著千絲萬縷的情感何不將這故事與情感用聲音好好的保留?而這些回憶,更可透過分享與好友、家人一起共同累積與構築 1. 上傳一張精彩的回憶照片 2.錄下富有情感的聲音故事 3.快速分享連結至社群網站 4. 點擊連結即可增添新故事 快跟著「拾時分享」一起保存與分享珍貴的回憶吧~